Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Testimonal in response to New York Times Article

Dear Mr. Sharkey,

Thank you for your column today pointing out the

advantages of having/using a travel agent.

We are still using the excellent services of my longtime

travel agent, Joan Porte of Joan’s Travel Agency in

Arlington, Va.

I have been with Joans Travel since 1987-88, when she

superbly handled, day and night, all the travel for Al Gore’s

presidential campaign.

(I was Gore’s national press secretary).

Many times when we have run into a jam, such as a

screw-up when a “connecting” flight fails to connect,

we immediately call Joan.

She always answers the phone herself.

And she always proves to be by far the most effective

means of getting an alternative flight way ahead of

anything the airline does.

And when booking, she always finds us the best price.

Well worth the fee we pay for her services.

No hassle for us, no nightmares on the computer.

She and her small firm just celebrated their

25th anniversary last month.

Best regards,

Arlie Schardt

1224 Boucher Ave

Annapolis, MD 21403


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